Are you spendinging all your time and effort always chasing new business? If so, you're wasting time and money.
Consider the following:
1. Repeat business costs about 60% less than generating new business.
2. Volumes of research shows how staying in touch is the best way to generate referrals.
3. Each transaction has the real potential of being the source of six more transactions when the agent diligently nurtures that initial relationship
4. Having a large database of past clients demonstrates to potential new clients your history of success, provides extensive testimonials and generates proof of ongoing business, which positions an agent to sell that book of business when he or she is ready to retire.
Check out this article from on the 5 Groups That You Should Be Contacting Monthly
Don’t underestimate the power of consistent communication. By contacting these five groups once a month, you’ll achieve a steady stream of referrals.