Monday, February 05, 2007

Content Ideas: Guerrila Marketing For Blogs and Websites

According to Wikipedia, Guerrilla marketing is an unconventional way of performing promotional activities on a very low budget. Such promotions are sometimes designed so that the target audience is left unaware they have been marketed to and may therefore be a form of undercover marketing (also called stealth marketing).

The best Guerrilla Blog Methods for Real Estate:

1. Hold a contest to incite people participate. Sellsius recommends a home holiday decorating contest or look at Teresa's pumpkin contest. Or check out this SEO contest. I've also seen Realtors take pictures of various buildings in town and ask people the exact address for the contest.

2. Create a blog war to emotionally engage readers

3. Offer a day where you answer 5 reader questions as your blog post. This will incite readers to contact you directly to submit their questions.

4. Hold a weekly local trvia game in a post where you ask a piece of local trivia and see who gets the answer. It helps people participate and you learn some crazy facts in the process.

5. Hold a town tour of scary places with stories or important places with the historical value through either a vidcast or pictures. Do it once per week on the same day and you will be suprised how people respond. It will help you connect with the local community which is exactly what you want to do!

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sapna said...
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